Featured Project

Marketing Collateral


Marketing Collateral

Square Marketing Brochure


This mar­ket­ing brochure for Sun Light & Pow­er is such an excel­lent way to show­case their com­mer­cial projects – which are the focus of the brochure – and amaz­ing­ly inex­pen­sive because of the thought we put into the size and for­mat. Plus this had to be pro­duced very quick­ly for a trade show. Sun Light & Pow­er pro­vid­ed all the pho­tos and One Stop Graph­ics cre­at­ed the for­mat, devised the sec­tions, wrote the text, devel­oped the design and over­saw print­ing in time for their trade show. Plus many more for their sales force to be able to “brag†about their promi­nent installations.


Sun Light & Pow­er want­ed to run ads in var­i­ous pub­li­ca­tions. One Stop Graph­ics cre­at­ed the head­lines, imag­ing and con­tent for each of these ads.



PowerPoint Presentation Talk to the Experts! 

In prepar­ing a Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion, I like to remind clients of two things – 1) most peo­ple don’t read so more pic­tures and less text are best and 2) think of the val­ue of the con­tract so that you are con­fi­dent you are putting your best foot for­ward in your pre­sen­ta­tion. Hence hav­ing the help of a graph­ic pro­fes­sion­al pays off big time.

When you make a Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion, the whole point is to look your best. Hence invest­ing in a pro­fes­sion­al­ly done cov­er and tem­plate more than pays off in the end. As part of our mar­ket­ing work for this lead­ing solar com­pa­ny, Sun Light & Pow­er, we cre­at­ed this tem­plate to start the pre­sen­ta­tion with some WOW Fac­tor and a strong slo­gan that makes their exper­tise stand out: Talk to the Experts!
