Kingdar Office Furniture — Brochure

A refer­ral to a Bay Area com­pa­ny dis­trib­ut­ing Tai­wanese office fur­ni­ture led to our com­plete­ly redesign­ing the entire look and feel of the Tai­wanese brochure, start­ing from scratch and giv­ing it a more sophis­ti­cat­ed, mod­ern and dra­mat­ic look. Work­ing with less than ide­al pho­tos, we trans­formed the brochure, incor­po­rat­ing some impor­tant touch­es like adding peo­ple, the dra­mat­ic pho­to of a key part and a chic col­or scheme – and all in 6 weeks so the client would have it for a trade show. [more]