Image Orthodontics


Marketing Collateral

Why give peo­ple paper­work when you can give them a rea­son to do busi­ness with you?

Ortho­don­tic and med­ical offices tend to give prospec­tive patients a bunch of forms to fill out.

We cre­at­ed this piece for Image Ortho­don­tics so that prospec­tive patients would not just get paper­work about pay­ment and the like, but also receive a col­or­ful card telling them WHY they should choose Image Orthodontics.



In adver­tis­ing the head­line and pho­to are KEY to draw­ing in the prospec­tive read­er. Hence this provoca­tive head­line and pret­ty girl are the essence of a good Madi­son Avenue ad. But in this case at a frac­tion of the cost. Plus we turned this ad into a post­card and mailed it to the offices near­by to increase the impact and response.



Invi­ta­tion Front

Invi­ta­tion Back

Online Marketing